Over 2.5 million women are protesting across the United States. Madonna and many other celebrities are part of the protest march in Washington, DC. Broadcast live on CNN on Saturday, 01/21/2017, Madonna had these choice words to say.
"The revolution starts here.. the fight for the right to be free, to be who we are, to be equal. Let's march together through this darkness and with each step know that we are not afraid, that we are not alone, that we will not back down. There is power in our unity and no opposing force has a chance in the face of true solidarity."
70-year-old superstar Cher was at the rally and she had this to say, "I just don't like him, I really just don't like him and I don't respect him, I've never heard anybody who lies, like they are telling the truth." ... I have, but I won't mention any names. Cher also stated, "Don't give up... stand and be counted or sit and be nothing."
The sedentary agitation of many of us are not taking a step forward for positive change. Waiting on and 'apocryphal Jesus' to come through the clouds and solve all our problems, in the 21st century, is totally absurd.
A protest is meant to ruffle feathers and if the status quo gets upset, so be it!
I've never been so interested in watching CNN. The women of this country is on Trump's ass... primarily because of his ludicrous statements about minorities (which includes the LGBT community), about Muslims, about building a wall and the coup de gras, "grab em by the p**sy."
Sister marches are taking place across the globe: Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, London, Berlin, Sydney Australia and many more cities. I'm sure Atlanta will join the protest movement very soon. Boston has a crowd of between 120-125,000 protesters. One of the speakers, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D)Massachusetts, boldly stated, "We will not build a stupid wall.. and we will not tear millions of families apart, not on our watch!"
Way to go Donald, you've pissed lots of people off!
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